Missy Pavlova

March 8, 2017

The elegant Pavlova Cake (or pie) consists of a base made of a meringue crust topped with whipped cream and fresh fruits such as kiwis, strawberries, etc. In Australia, it is considered a fresh fruit pie with a meringue crust.

No one knows who first created the famous dessert Pavlova. But the name and the recipes first began appearing soon after Russian prima ballerina and choreographer, Anna Matveyevna Pavlova (1881-1931), began touring across America, Europe, and the UK in 1910. In America, she danced at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York. Anna Pavlova was one of the most celebrated and influential ballet dancers of her time.

My Missy Pavlova is crispy on the outside and light and fluffy on the inside. I had a different twist to my Pavlova by making a different cream witch usually is topped with whipped cream, also on top I had my favorite fruit combo witch is red raspberries and Maracujá (Passion Fruit), but can be decorated with anything from kiwi fruit to MnMs.

Wanna a slice???
Ok, I officially deserve a slice, because it's Woman's Day and we are worth it!!!

Here’s what you’ll need to make it...

Et Voilá you made yourself a fabulous Pavlova with my twist, you know Portuguese people always try to make everything taste a little bit better, just saying... 

If you make it, share with the #sofiacatitaworld on Instagram, I would love to see you creations 
Any questions don't hesitate to ask me 

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